BIMSafe Glossary

Some of the terms used in our guidelines and case studies may be unfamiliar. Find the definition below, or add a definition for something we’ve missed.

There are currently 34 definitions in this directory
A 3D model linked to time or scheduling information. Also referred to as time-based planning or construction sequencing. Model objects and elements with this information attached can be used for construction scheduling analysis and management, or to create animations of project construction processes.

Accident Compensation Corporation.
The New Zealand Crown entity responsible for administering the country's no-fault accidental injury compensation scheme. ACC is a key funder of the BIMSafe project.

Artificial Intelligence.
The science and technology that enables computers and other machines to simulate human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities.

Augmented Reality.
Technology that superimposes a computer-generated image or information on a user’s view of the real world, providing a composite view.

Graphical and non-graphical details relating to an object.

Building information modelling (process). Also, building information model (product).
An approach and technology that is used to represent real-world objects in a digital form, that can be manipulated in a virtual environment.

BIM Execution Plan (BEP)
A formal document that defines how a project will be executed, monitored, and controlled regarding BIM. A BEP is developed at project initiation to provide a master information management plan and specifies roles and responsibilities for model creation and information integration throughout the project. For more information, see NZ BIM Handbook

Building Management System. Also referred to as BAS (Building Automation System).
A control system that can can gather information from various sensors to monitor and manage the mechanical, electrical and electromechanical systems and services in a facility.

An international consortium of the built asset industry representatives to drive the digital transformation of the industry. For more information, see

Digital twin
A virtual representation of an object or system that spans its lifecycle and is constantly being updated using real-time data in a virtual environment.

Geographic Information System.
A system that integrates hardware, software, and data for capturing, managing, analysing, and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information.

Global Navigation Satellite System.
System that uses satellites to provide autonomous geopositioning.

Health and Safety.

Hazard identification
Process of identifying and evaluating risks during construction, operation, and demolition. These risks may be to any person involved, including construction workers, maintenance workers, building users or the public.

Industry Foundation Classes. ISO 16739-1 standard for exchanging BIM data.
A system of defining and representing standard architectural and construction-related graphic and non-graphic data as 3D virtual objects to allow data exchange among BIM tools, cost estimation systems, and other construction-related applications in a way that preserves the ability to perform analysis on those objects as they move from one BIM system to another.

The ability of two or more functional units to exchange information and use it readily. Exchange should not require users to possess knowledge of the unique characteristics of those units.

ISO 19650
An international standard for managing information over the whole life cycle of a built asset using building information modelling.

An open standard to represent the literal content and structure of a document, typically legal documents.

Level of Development (LOD)
Describes the reliability and completeness of content included for specific elements of a BIM model, at different times during model development.

Light Detection and Ranging.
A laser-based technology used to capture images for the purposes of generating a high-resolution real-world objects.

An open standard for representing the logical content of natural language text, typically legal text.

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.
Government ministry with responsibility for construction and the built environment. MBIE is a key funder of the BIMSafe project.

Commonly defined as data about data, though differing from the data itself. For example, in a BIM context, object size = 300mm – object size is metadata, 300mm is data.

Model interaction
Allows users to engage with, manipulate, and extract information from a digital model of a project; includes navigating through the 3D model, adding or moving elements within the model, and linking model data to other tools.

Model visualisation
In the context of safety, model visualisation is the use of BIM 3D models and visual representations to help identify, analyse, and communicate potential safety hazards and risks in construction projects.

Model View Definition.
A subset of the IFC data schema used for specific applications.

A combination of arts and technology for capturing real-world objects and the environment through processes of recording, measuring, and interpreting photographic images.

Reality capture
Technology that uses laser scanners, drones or photogrammetry to create a 3D digital representation of the surrounding environment

Autodesk product for BIM authoring, one of the more popular industry-standard software applications.

Rule checking
Application of pre-defined rules or analytics to a BIM model to help ensure designs and construction activities meet industry standards, minimise risks and prevent potential accidents or incidents.

Safety planning
Organising and sequencing work to identify the safest possible approach to a task or process. This may apply to construction, operation, or demolition, and includes the mitigation of identified risks.

Simultaneous Localization and Mapping.
A process that allows a device to map an area while keeping track of its location within that area.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (commonly called a drone).
Autonomous or human-controlled aerial devices that can fly and perform a number of tasks, particularly taking photographs or videos.

Virtual Reality.
Technology that creates a simulated, immersive environment which lets users explore and interact with a virtual surrounding in a way that approximates reality.

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